Thursday, May 2, 2019

Boi 2 Introduction

Hello, my name is Nicha! I am 22 years old, currently in fourth year studying in the University of Calgary. I am majoring in Actuarial Science with 2 minors; Statistics and Japanese. My ethnicity is Thai, I was born there and stayed in the capital of Thailand, Bangkok, for 10 years before moving to Canada in 2007, but my actual family background is from China! However, I don't speak any Chinese, I am only fluent in 2 languages; English and Thai. I am also semi-fluent in Korean and French, but less proficient in Japanese unfortunately. I am enrolled in the Senshu program due to my desire to improve my Japanese language competency, and to experience exciting new adventure in a different country. I'm quite interested in the Japanese cinematic, especially in animation. I think Japan has one of the best, if not the best animated movies of all time. Going on this trip will really give me a sense of understanding in what the Japanese animation culture is actually like.
My hobbies include eating and meme-ing, I enjoy food very much and I think Japan has some of the best food, along with some of the best places to explore. Every time I see anything that is relating Japanese food, I always see workers that present their creations as works of art. Japanese food, or Japanese culture in general is alluring, in my opinion; because I fee like everything they do is with purpose, care, and precision, therefore, the product of that is something beautiful. I can eat everything and anything, but my favorites are fried or grilled foods; especially meats. I'm excited to travel to Japan and try everything the country has to offer!
My major is very difficult and it demands a huge amount of time to study and master; in order to alleviate that, I like to browse the interwebs for memes. They make me laugh, and help me feel a sense of happiness during stressful times.
Other things I do in my spare time include playing instruments, specifically piano and guitar. I have been playing piano since I was 8 years old, and guitar since I was 14. Music is something very important to me, as it releases stress, and helps me indulge in other things other than school. I very much enjoy making music, and even dancing sometimes. Albeit I do that in my own time.
I love animals, my favorite places to visit are zoos and aquariums. I can literally stay in an aquarium for the whole day without getting bored. When I go to Japan, I hope to visit these places as much as possible; I heard there was an island called Nara, where deers and other wildlife roam free; I really wish I could go explore and interact with these creatures. In Tokyo, if time and money permits, I wish to go to Disney Sea, I'd love to see the differences between the theme parks/tourist attraction between the West and the East. I'm also going to Osaka, there, I hope to visit the famous aquarium that is situated there.

こんにちは 私の名前は二シャです ! 私は 22歳です。今 私はカルガリー大学で勉強しています。せんこうは アクチュアリアル サイエンス です。私は マイナは2つあります;統計と日本語です。私はタイ人です、タイ語と英語を話せます。フランス語と韓国語もちょっと話させます。


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Boi 3- Goodbye (。•́︿•̀。)

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